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How one coaching session changed my life

Updated: Aug 6

Whilst navigating the process of leaving religion (as described in my previous blog), I started the menopause, alongside working in a highly stressful job. This combination, really affected my mental Health, resulting in ever increasing anxiety. I became acutely aware that I needed to leave my current job, yet at this time was unsure which direction I wanted to take.

As a Life Coach myself, I recognised that I needed guidance, so I booked a 50-minute session with a Life Coach. After explaining my circumstances and a brief history of my life, we talked through what I wanted. It was during this session that my coach posed one single question, completely altering my thought process and the potential of job opportunities I had not even considered. This session sparked a profound shift in my perspective.. My mind unexpectedly expanded to a whole new way of thinking, which was liberating.

*I firmly believe that without this coaching session, my life would have taken a very different direction.

After this session, I began the arduous task of job searching, looking for alternative roles. A foot operation provided me with a three-month break, during which time I engaged in relentless job searching. Although not entirely sure of my path, my passion for travel and coaching, led me to apply for cruise ship positions.

After several months of submitting numerous applications, I received an unexpected response from a major cruise company. Following an intense recruitment process, I was offered a position sailing for 6 months out of Miami. I dedicated two years to this role and absolutely loved it. I had realised my passion for travel, in a job that stretched me beyond my comfort zone, expanding my confidence and skills on many levels.

I am very grateful for the coach I worked with. Her expertise in coaching provided me an opportunity to expand my mindset, beyond my usual limiting beliefs. As a result, I worked overseas for 2 years, something I hadn't previously considered. The experiences of travel and the incredible individuals I met from all over the world are memories I will treasure forever.

Building upon the experiences I gained during this time, I successfully developed my business and honed my coaching skills. Working with diverse individuals of different ages, cultures, and personalities, significantly increased my knowledge, understanding, and awareness of the similarities we all have as human beings. This valuable insight has empowered me to tailor my sessions for each individual, continuously drawing unique learning from each client interaction.

I find the process of coaching clients towards positive change extremely rewarding. The process can uncover many emotional and practical challenges to work through. Supporting my clients during this time and seeing the fulfilment of the results they have worked so hard to achieve is beautiful.

I recently read a statistic, that only 8% of people fulfil their potential in life. I believe this is due to unchallenged limiting beliefs and the fear of change. When we limit ourselves and perceive success as rare, we remain part of the 92% who don't believe they can reach their full potential. What an amazing world we would live in if everyone realised their full potential and gave themselves a chance.

If you would like to see what opportunities you could explore and realise, please get in touch. Just think about what one coaching session could do for you to change your circumstances.

Thanks as always for reading.


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