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What are you attracting?


Updated: Aug 6, 2024

Do you find you see the same things happening around and to you and you don't understand why? Some people seem to receive all the good stuff and you seem to be the opposite, same old same old?

Well, there is a secret. Have you heard of The Secret? If you have not, it is a film (and book) describing the law of attraction and the secret behind successful people. I first watched 'The Secret' many years ago. I was quite sceptical at first.

The premise is, if you imagine what you want in your future and then imagine you already have received it, your subconscious mind will attract those things to you. This is the secret.

Athletes are very adept at this. They imagine all the steps to winning a race. The mind then uses this information to believe the race has already been won. So when the athlete attempts the race, the steps become the natural known journey in the brain.

I am most certainly no expert in the mechanics of how this happens, yet I know it definitely works. Many years ago, I attended a youth life coaching course (to enhance my skills working with young people) and one of our exercises we were given was to create a 'vision' board. The task was to look through many magazines that were laid out on the table and find images that represented what we wanted in the future. Then to cut the images out and place them in a collage style onto a canvas. I thumbed my way through many images, cut out the ones that resonated with and nonchalantly stuck them to my canvas.

I didn't really think much more about it. However my mind clearly was doing its work, as many years later (a few months ago actually) I was looking for an old book and came across the slightly now tatty canvas. I looked at it and was astounded to see that all but one had come to pass. Clearly my mind/the universe is still working on the final one!

I now have created a new image, that I have on my wall. I also find listening to a variety of affirmations regularly is changing my internal dialogue to that of a positive mind with non limiting beliefs.

This is what I understand to be the law of attraction. Our thoughts become our reality.

What is it that you are thinking about currently and are they helpful? Are you attracting what you want? If not, is it time to change those thoughts and create a new reality?

If you would like to know any more or change your path, please feel free to contact JennyB.

What are you attracting?



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May 20, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Fabulous! Very helpful

May 21, 2024
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Ahh thank you. I am glad you have found it helpful. Please let me know if you want to know anymore.

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