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Does change always bring about discomfort?


Updated: Aug 6, 2024

Most of us do not like change; we are creatures of habit. Change itself can be very uncomfortable. Yet, for some areas of our lives, the discomfort does not stop us from resisting or going through the change.

So, what causes us to make these decisions?

With comfort comes stability, a sense of knowledge, routine, safety, security, and a feeling of being in control. With this, however, can bring a fear of change.

Discomfort can bring new learning, new experiences, growth, confidence, postive self-esteem, achievement, yet often a fear of the unknown, disappointment, and feeling less in control.

So, if we are aware of the pros and cons of both, what prevents us from achieving those things that we really want?

Take a moment to think about your reactions to the following situations and whether you feel comfort, discomfort, or a bit of both:

  • Dieting

  • Exercise

  • Holiday Travel

  • Buying new clothes

  • A new restaurant

  • Taking exams

  • Learning to drive

  • Quitting smoking

  • Getting a new job

  • Redundancy

  • A new boss

  • A new phone or car?

Why is it that for some areas we resist or give up on discomfort and for other areas we have the energy to push through? Past disappointments, the lack of immediate results, or the required energy to keep going can influence our decisions.

When we look at others who have achieved success, whether in sport, business, health, music, etc., they no doubt have endured much discomfort, often as a prerequisite to obtaining their significant accomplishments.

Having this awareness can empower us all to endure any discomfort we are faced with and navigate our way through knowing it is part of the process.

It is also worth noting that change can bring about loss, be it short term gratification, familiarity, habits and more. How much are we prepared to lose, to gain the reward? Breaking a habit can be uncomfortable, however, we have created so many in our lives, it is a skill we can keep using to make new helpful ones.

Does the level of desire for what we want have an impact on whether we are prepared to endure any discomfort? Is the severity of the discomfort correlated to the motivation to achieve it?

In addition, if the change has been forced upon us, does this give us more resistance?

Many people are too quick to think or say that if anyone wants change in their life, they just need to get on with it. Having experienced a lot of change myself, I know it isn't as simple as this. However, knowing that a big part of the process is embracing discomfort, has enabled me to navigate through it with a sense of familiarity and hope.

If we all embrace this knowledge, maybe, just maybe, we will have the energy and motivation to keep going, resulting in our comfort zone becoming bigger.

When we next want to make any changes, it is helpful to consider:

Are we prepared to go through the discomfort to achieve our goals, however big or small?

What preparations and support mechanisms can we put in place to help us when we are feeling most vulnerable, to give us the best opportunity for success?

Change is good. Comfort is comfortable; discomfort is life-changing.

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Does change always bring discomfort?



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