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Would you eat a tomato - fixed or growth mindset?


Updated: Aug 6, 2024

I am not a big fan of a raw tomato and never have been. However, just to see whether this taste has changed, I occasionally try them again. Unfortunately at the time of writing this, I still am not their biggest fan! My logic is, if I didn't try them again, I would never know and if I did like them, I could be missing out.

So what has this to do with a fixed mindset? Ok, so if we extend this analogy, even if it is a bit of a stretch, we can apply this process to our thinking, beliefs and ultimately our behaviours.

What we choose to read, listen or watch can unconsciously serve to confirm our existing thoughts and beliefs. This natural tendency, known as confirmation bias, can inhibit us from challenging our current thinking and keep us locked in a fixed mindset.

When we read, listen or watch material that we do not agree with we often experience feelings of anger or anxiety. What is at the root of this that makes us feel so uncomfortable? It could be that these conflicting ideas challenge our identity and values. If so, do these values still resonate with who we are today, at our current stage of life? Are the beliefs and values we held when we were younger still relevant? As we know, much of what we think and feel is rooted in our upbringing, culture and the people we spend time with and respect.

For us to be truly authentic and measured in our opinions and beliefs, adding a variety of material to our mental sphere can be a healthy exercise. As we challenge and revisit old beliefs and thoughts, we can decide whether they are still applicable and helpful at our current stage of life.

Do you have any beliefs and thoughts that are challenging you right now?

Is it time to revisit your thoughts and beliefs? As we start to challenge our thoughts we enter into a more growth mindset and away from a fixed mindset.

Are you aware of any examples where you might be using confirmation bias to reinforce existing beliefs?

Would you risk eating a tomato? Sometimes exploring the unknown can lead to surprising and rewarding experiences.

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confirmation bias



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