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JennyB's coaching lounge blog

Updated: Nov 11, 2024

If you have been watching TV lately, you have likely come across the many sport events from the Olympics/Paralympics, Wimbledon, to the Euros being shown. It certainly feels like a year of sport. Even though I am no athlete, I do get drawn into these large events.

One thing that stands out to me is how some athletes on the brink of losing, manage to turn the game around against all the odds. I often wonder if I were in their position, would I give in to defeat and just try to play the game out, without embarrassing myself? This is probably why I'm not an athlete—successful athletes have something special. What is it that sets them apart?

A very good explanation of this can be found in the series Ted Lasso.

Ted Lasso, the Olympics and Success

If you haven't seen it, Ted Lasso follows an American coach who comes to England to manage a struggling football team, AFC Richmond. Ted Lasso, the main character, has a unique way of motivating his team. His "Believe" poster in the dressing room is a recurring theme. Ted Lasso is famous for saying, "I believe in hope, I believe in belief." He applies this mantra both in football and in life. Spoiler alert: the team achieves incredible success, both collectively and individually. So what is it about belief that he is continually referring to?

I have been thinking about this and have considered why some people, despite their immense talent, do not reach the success they dream of? The key differences I 'believe' is belief and resilience. Successful individuals have a strong belief in themselves and possess the resilience to keep going, even when things look hopeless.. They can turn situations around at critical moments. It is the belief of themselves that stand out.

If this is true for sports, can it be true for other areas of our lives? Many of us remain fixed in our thinking, perhaps due to a lack of strong desire or dwindling motivation for success. For those who do strive for success, how do we transform our self-belief into something positive? Do we all need a Ted Lasso to provide that belief?

So, if we want to believe in ourselves we need to identify our current limiting belief. These often stem from childhood and usually remain unchallenged. What we keep telling ourselves become our belief and in turn our truth.

If we understand their origins, we can search for evidence that both support and contradict these beliefs. Since beliefs aren't facts, we can identify where we use confirmation bias to support or contradict them.

After identifying and challenging these beliefs, we need to consciously focus on the evidence that support a healthier belief. This new belief will gradually replace the old one, shifting our mindset.

Whenever the negative belief resurfaces, we intentionally replace it with the new healthier one until it becomes automatic. This rewiring process can be used to manage disappointment and enhance our resilience, by using the same method to recall the appropriate evidence.

Most athletes rely on a 'Ted Lasso' coach to help them reframe their thinking about their abilities and outcomes. Without this support, even the most talented players can underperform.

After a big win, athletes often run to their coach, expressing their gratitude. It's said that the game is won in the mind, not just the ability.

Phrases I often hear and consider are:

  • "I don't know what to think."

  • "Change the narrative."

  • "I am mentally tired."

We often use phrases without thinking. Can the words we choose, reshape our thoughts and actions?

I have personally spent time identifying words and beliefs through this process of rewiring my mind.. This has given me so much more freedom and success in my life. It has also equipped me with additional skills and abilities, to support my clients in turning their dreams into a reality.

Do you have something niggling within you that you want to achieve, yet you can’t seem to break through that glass ceiling? Do you struggle with self belief and question why less talented people around you obtain the success you would like? What belief do they possess?

Today is the day to start believing in yourself. Please contact JennyB who can coach you through this process and support you every step of the way to achieve the success you long for.

Believe in belief.

Thanks for reading as always


Ted Lasso, the Paralympics and success


Updated: Aug 6, 2024

Do you find you see the same things happening around and to you and you don't understand why? Some people seem to receive all the good stuff and you seem to be the opposite, same old same old?

Well, there is a secret. Have you heard of The Secret? If you have not, it is a film (and book) describing the law of attraction and the secret behind successful people. I first watched 'The Secret' many years ago. I was quite sceptical at first.

The premise is, if you imagine what you want in your future and then imagine you already have received it, your subconscious mind will attract those things to you. This is the secret.

Athletes are very adept at this. They imagine all the steps to winning a race. The mind then uses this information to believe the race has already been won. So when the athlete attempts the race, the steps become the natural known journey in the brain.

I am most certainly no expert in the mechanics of how this happens, yet I know it definitely works. Many years ago, I attended a youth life coaching course (to enhance my skills working with young people) and one of our exercises we were given was to create a 'vision' board. The task was to look through many magazines that were laid out on the table and find images that represented what we wanted in the future. Then to cut the images out and place them in a collage style onto a canvas. I thumbed my way through many images, cut out the ones that resonated with and nonchalantly stuck them to my canvas.

I didn't really think much more about it. However my mind clearly was doing its work, as many years later (a few months ago actually) I was looking for an old book and came across the slightly now tatty canvas. I looked at it and was astounded to see that all but one had come to pass. Clearly my mind/the universe is still working on the final one!

I now have created a new image, that I have on my wall. I also find listening to a variety of affirmations regularly is changing my internal dialogue to that of a positive mind with non limiting beliefs.

This is what I understand to be the law of attraction. Our thoughts become our reality.

What is it that you are thinking about currently and are they helpful? Are you attracting what you want? If not, is it time to change those thoughts and create a new reality?

If you would like to know any more or change your path, please feel free to contact JennyB.

What are you attracting?


Updated: Aug 6, 2024

Whilst navigating the process of leaving religion (as described in my previous blog), I started the menopause, alongside working in a highly stressful job. This combination, really affected my mental Health, resulting in ever increasing anxiety. I became acutely aware that I needed to leave my current job, yet at this time was unsure which direction I wanted to take.

As a Life Coach myself, I recognised that I needed guidance, so I booked a 50-minute session with a Life Coach. After explaining my circumstances and a brief history of my life, we talked through what I wanted. It was during this session that my coach posed one single question, completely altering my thought process and the potential of job opportunities I had not even considered. This session sparked a profound shift in my perspective.. My mind unexpectedly expanded to a whole new way of thinking, which was liberating.

*I firmly believe that without this coaching session, my life would have taken a very different direction.

After this session, I began the arduous task of job searching, looking for alternative roles. A foot operation provided me with a three-month break, during which time I engaged in relentless job searching. Although not entirely sure of my path, my passion for travel and coaching, led me to apply for cruise ship positions.

After several months of submitting numerous applications, I received an unexpected response from a major cruise company. Following an intense recruitment process, I was offered a position sailing for 6 months out of Miami. I dedicated two years to this role and absolutely loved it. I had realised my passion for travel, in a job that stretched me beyond my comfort zone, expanding my confidence and skills on many levels.

I am very grateful for the coach I worked with. Her expertise in coaching provided me an opportunity to expand my mindset, beyond my usual limiting beliefs. As a result, I worked overseas for 2 years, something I hadn't previously considered. The experiences of travel and the incredible individuals I met from all over the world are memories I will treasure forever.

Building upon the experiences I gained during this time, I successfully developed my business and honed my coaching skills. Working with diverse individuals of different ages, cultures, and personalities, significantly increased my knowledge, understanding, and awareness of the similarities we all have as human beings. This valuable insight has empowered me to tailor my sessions for each individual, continuously drawing unique learning from each client interaction.

I find the process of coaching clients towards positive change extremely rewarding. The process can uncover many emotional and practical challenges to work through. Supporting my clients during this time and seeing the fulfilment of the results they have worked so hard to achieve is beautiful.

I recently read a statistic, that only 8% of people fulfil their potential in life. I believe this is due to unchallenged limiting beliefs and the fear of change. When we limit ourselves and perceive success as rare, we remain part of the 92% who don't believe they can reach their full potential. What an amazing world we would live in if everyone realised their full potential and gave themselves a chance.

If you would like to see what opportunities you could explore and realise, please get in touch. Just think about what one coaching session could do for you to change your circumstances.

Thanks as always for reading.


change or same

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